For a third year in a row I made the same distressed phone call to my mom yet again "but may be its a really tiny step in the recipe that you missed telling me last time! Why doesn't my til-gul ever turn out like yours?!?". You probably got the context right, after tries and tries of tilgul (til=sesame seeds, gul=jaggery/unrefined sugar, tilgul is a traditional Indian sweet made from sesame seeds and jaggery) somehow my tilgul just never comes out right (officially I have blamed it on the quality of jaggery available here btw :D)! My mom makes the best tilgul ever and I have taken her recipe, read and re-read it, even double-checked the instructions from Ruchira! (For all the non-Marathi folks out there, Ruchira is like a bible of Marathi cooking! I got my copy as a wedding gift from my grandmother who was sleeplessly worried of how I'll ever manage cooking an eatable dinner for my husband :D). Anyway, so I tried and tried but always the jaggery would make the tilgul either too soft or too hard! Now mind you it would taste yummy just the texture would suffer and my poor husband would always encourage me by saying "stomach knows only tasty" :)
So, this time when I made the same phone call last weekend my mom had her answer ready "Just skip gul, use sugar, that will surely work". Hmmm, tilgul without gul! Then she told me a recipe of a tilgul that I had very much liked as a kid and seeing as that one did not have jaggery, I decided that may be it wasn't the craziest of ideas to make tilgul with sugar! And what do you know, this was by far my best til-gul.. ever! In all fairness though it should be called sesame tikki or sesame snaps but hey, today is Sankranti and I have a til-sweet for you, thats all that counts, right?!

(Follow the read more link below for the rest of the recipe...)
Sankranti, celebrated on Jan.14th of each year traditionally marks the Sun's entrance to Capricorn zodiac. The day is celebrated by many Indian regional festivals like Lohri, Pongal and Uttarayan. (although I wonder why this day is different from winter solstice day.. anyone know why?) In Maharashtra we celebrate Makar Sankranti. It is traditional on this day to offer each other til-gul (til=sesame and gul=jaggery). Til symbolizes the bonds of togetherness while gul symbolizes sweetness in the relationships. Offering each other tilgul symbolizes fostering a very warm and caring relationship for the year ahead. As a kid me and my brother used to call it signing a bond to not fight for the rest of the year.. :D (that never worked!)
Anyway, without much further ado, here is a recipe of my sesame tikki/sesame snaps/tilgul. Oh and by the way, if anyone over in US has tried making tilgul wadis with store-bought jaggery, please I would love to know your secret to getting this right!
Source: from my mother
1/2C sesame seeds
3/4C white granulated sugar (I am guessing brown sugar would be even better here!)
1 cardamom pod
1/2tsp ghee (clarified butter)
- On low-medium hear roast the sesame seeds for 10-15mins until aromatic and until they start to change color. Keep stirring continuously making sure the seeds do not burn. Keep aside.
- While the sesame seeds are roasting prepare for the steps ahead. Apply ghee to a large stainless steel plate on which you will spread the hot tilgul mixture. Also grease a rolling pin and a knife for rolling the wadis and then cutting them.
- Heat a thick bottom pan on low heat. Add sugar and cardamom pods. Keep stirring continuously until the entire sugar melts. If after 5mins sugar has not started melting, increase the heat gradually. Keep stirring though so it does not burn.
- When the sugar is entirely melted add the roasted sesame seeds and mix well.
- Remove from heat. As fast as possible spread the sesame-sugar mixture onto the greased stainless steel plate. Using a rolling pin spread the mixture evenly as thin as possible.
- Using the greased knife cut small squares. This has to be done before the mixture cools entirely. Note: this is a bit time-sensitive, the part of spreading til-gul and cutting it has to be done fast while the mixture is still hot and before it hardens completely.
- Let the mixture cool completely.
- Using the knife remove the wadis and enjoy!
Till next time, happy makar sankrant (pongal, uttarayan or lohri whichever you celebrate!) to everyone!
I was expecting your post today. Actually, I was reading your Parsnip soup. So lovely soup PJ. You have a very corrupted (read here creative!) mind.:D Hats to you gal!
You know I love Sesame tikkis and we calls it chikki. :) The stack of tikkis looks so good. Gorgeous pics!
Have a good one! :)
Vadi chhaan diste ahe.BTW I think we share the same name.
Tilgul without the gul looks beautiful so we will forgive the absence of gul this once.
Pari, tulapan Sankrantichya shubheccha! Til-gul ghya, goad-goad bola. I know, we do share the same name! funny that we should both also opt to use another pen-name. I opted because its just so difficult for people around here to pronounce it :)
Nostalgia, thanks! Happy sankranti to you and your near-n-dear ones too :)
Sushma, thanks! Happy sankranti to you and your family too!
Amita, tulapan sankrantichya shubheccha! Til-gul ghya aani goad-goad bola.. though I can't really believe you will ever talk anything other than goad-goad :D
Cham, thanks and wishing you a very happy sankranti too! I am so glad you liked these sesame snaps :)
SE, thanks! Happy sankranti to you and your near-n-dear ones too :)
Gulmohar, okay, now I don't feel that bad now that I know I am not the only one who messes up with jaggery from indian stores :) I just have had so many misfortunes working with the jaggery bought here that I am now to the point of not trying jaggery recipes anymore! Bringing some from India sounds like a very good idea though.. Happy sankranti to you too, dear :)
indo, thanks! Happy sankranti to you too! Lets just all enjoy this tikki and think in our mind that its true 'tilgul' :)
I was busy and didn't get the time to make this sweet but after seeing your tempting pics i feel like having it right now:)
Beautiful tikkis and an awesome click... Perfect.. Do visit my space when you get free time.
Preety, thanks! They were such a snap to make.. didn't take much time at-all.. I much prefer this version now over dealing with the jaggery :)
Anu, welcome to my blog! A great day to visit it too.. happy sakranti/pongal. I am so glad you enjoyed this space.
Winnie, thanks! They were great and very easy to make.. how can I ever go wrong with sugar and sesame candy :D
A2Z vegetarian cooking, thanks! I am so glad you liked these!
Rajani, thanks! I am so glad you liked these. A very happy sankranti to you too.. til-gul ghya aani goad-goad bola :)
I am here for the first time and should say you have a brilliant blog and your photography is phenomenal. Lovely clicks and writeups. Happy to be here and would surely visit frequently from now on. :) Keep it going buddy.
You are most welcome to my blogs too. Do peep in sometime.
This is my first time here and am happy to be here, will be visiting you often:)
Cheers and Do visit,
Happy Makar sankranti and pongal wishes!
SE, thanks so much for sharing the creative blogger award with me! I'll be sure to acknowledge it in the next post!
Rachana, welcome to my blog! thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words! I am very glad you liked my recipes and clicks.
Parita, thanks! Happy sankranti/pongal to you and your near-n-dear ones as well :)
cheers from Paris ! Pierre
first time have such a nice site and recipes too...tikkis look awesome...i'll be here again
please do visit me
Radhika, thanks and a very happy makar sankranti to you too!
Jagruti, welcome to my blog! I am so glad you liked the tilgul and the rest of the recipes!
thanks for visiying my blog..glad that you liked it..c u sometimes
Jagruti, thanks for stopping by again. You do have a beautiful space there :)
Sesame tikkis looks wonderful.
between there is an award awaiting your presence at my blog please check and collect.
Sayantani, wow, thanks! I am off to visit your blog now. I am so glad you liked the sesame snaps.. yes, I munched on them all throughout last week :)
Spice, yeah, I so much know what you mean! The gur quality here is so unpredictable.. and you say it exactly that it does not hold the sweets together like it does in India! I think I am going to stick with these sesame-sugar 'tilgul' from now on.. like its predictability :)