(Okay, first of all, my last name is not Berry and no, I did not recently get married - if thats what the title made you think :D, just read ahead you will know... )
It has been raining very heavily recently. Last week I had a day off from work and I was hoping to spend it doing some outdoorish stuff that was pending for a while but instead the day turned out to be a rainy and windy day. So rather than being outdoors I was stuck on my bed reading a book (Drunkard's walk of randomness -- highly recommended read by the way). After a while I got tired of listening to the sound of rain splashing on my windows and the sight of a perpetual gray sky. My mind was not focused either (have you noticed how rain wanders your mind off sometimes?) so I decided to take a break from reading and got into the kitchen looking to spend a few hours making something delicious. I saw some really fresh strawberries and two chocolate bars (a white and a dark) in my refrigerator and an idea sprang to my mind to create some artsy things with chocolate dipped strawberry and I was suddenly all excited! After a bit of googling I knew what I wanted to make... this is the 'fruit' of my labor of a rainy afternoon! Hope you enjoy it too...
So for the very first time, here are Mr. and Mrs. Berry! Don't they just look like a very cute couple who has just taken their vows :D

And some more ones.. these are dark chocolate covered berries with whites drizzled on top...

I followed instructions from here for Mr. and Mrs. Berry and then made the next ones out of whatever struck my fancy but really there is no strict set of rules here. Let your creativity run wild and see what designs amaze you for the day :)
Source: here
Here are some general rules that I followed.
- Pick good strawberries. Mine were not very sweet but they were perfect for this project. The berries should be fresh and modestly well-shaped. I guess shape is more of a personal preference but definitely look for ones with green leaves and stems still attached, if possible.
- Clean the berries and dry them really well before using. Trust me chocolate covering wet berries is not fun!
- Insert toothpicks into the stem end of the berries and keep them ready.
- Melt/temper the white chocolate first. I used the microwave method. There is a good article here describing various tempering methods.
- Hold the green leaves of a strawberry in your hand and carefully dip the berry in melted white chocolate letting it coat thoroughly.
- Remove from chocolate and twist a bit making sure excess chocolate drains off well.
- Allow the strawberries to dry on a parchment paper lined plate. Parchment paper will make your life much easier as the berries will not stick so removing them when dried will be super easy.
- When all the berries have been dipped; keep the plate in refrigerator for an hour or so until the chocolate has thickened and set.
- Now melt the dark chocolate. Remove the berries from fridge.
- If you want to make the Mr. and Mrs. Berry, follow the step by step instructions here. I made small cornets for delicate bride dress decoration using steps here.
- Otherwise using a toothpick just drizzle some dark chocolate over white chocolate dipped berries or some white chocolate over some dark chocolate drizzled berries for some artsy designs.
Relax now, grab a cup of coffee, take some pictures and then sit with your sweetie enjoying these chocolaty treats!
Afterall, love is in the air they say... :)

looks gr8 together
You really deserve the kreative blogger award..........
The click are awesome, fanastic and beautiful.....i m at loss of words here :))
Great job.....
These look amazing! I love how creative they are. Perfect for V-day!
Funny you should mention Drunkard's Walk, I finished that book just last week, and yes, I enjoyed it very much.
Ur so so good and creative with ur hands.....and thanx for d link on tempering chocolate....jus what i was looking for.....
oh u make me feel like LOVE IS IN THE AIR,SO IS ROMANCE....WISH U LOADS OF IT @ 365
Pratibha, thanks and welcome to my blog! I am glad you liked Mr. and Mrs. Berry.
Priya, thanks, I had a lot of fun making them :)
Rujuta, thanks so much for your sweet and encouraging words :) I am glad you liked them. I had no problem eating them... finished all between me and my husband in a few hours!
Rachana, thanks! Mr. and Mrs Berry would like to be a fan of your awesome blog too :)
Pari, it was much fun sipping a coffee and making these on a rainy afternoon for sure. DH said they are good.. I guess that much is all the appreciation he comes up with for such artsy things :D
Joanne, lol, that is sure true. What is the point of not doing crazy things when we may as well just enjoy the ride a bit too :) I didn't realize v-day was so close by when I was making these, but yeah, perfect for v-day.
Nupur, see, great minds read alike :D It is such a great book, gives you a whole new perspective on randomness and you daily life. Absolutely loved it. Thanks, I am so glad you liked the berry treats!
Indo, my husband preferred the white ones too, he felt they were more delicate and less cluttered.
VanillaStrawberrySpringfields, thanks! You will surely be able to make these.. don't worry about messing it up is the only tip I'll give, whichever way it goes, its still strawberry covered chocolates, and who doesn't like that! If I worry too much about if the work will be good or not, I invariably mess it up :) Good luck with chocolate tempering.
Shahana, thanks! I am so glad you liked these.
Preeti, see, I was just telling Nupur above, great minds read alike :D Its an excellent book by the way, I am sure you are in for a treat.
PJ, yogurt chilies are chiles soaked in yogurt and then sun dried then fried to go like a pickle for rices..Will post pix of them today.
Sayantani, thanks! I am so glad you liked these.
SE, thanks! It was so much fun to make these :)
my first time here..I blgohopped from somewhere and landed here..boy-ur blog is so colourful.simply loved it.and every blog post title is unique and so catchy.well done
How cute is that? Very neat and they look like they came right outta a Godiva store, where they cost 5 bucks a pop!
MunchCrunchAndSuch, thanks and welcome to my blog! I am so glad you liked browsing here. I am off to visit yours now.
Shwetha, thanks, now that just makes me so happy to hear :) I should checkout Godiva stores (I think nearest one to me is an hour drive away).
Treat and trick & Rahin, thanks! I am glad you liked it.
Thanks for book recommendation.
s, thanks! I am so glad you liked Mr. and Mrs. Berry :)
Kalyn, sounds awesome! This was the first time I made these, but I'll surely be now grabbing every possible opportunity to make them again and again! thanks for stopping by.
I had mine fired up a bit too in the company of fantastic writers like ya n now its ur turn to take off from my humble beginings...take ur time but fire anyway...hop on the link below to see what am talking about and do hope u enjoy it as muc as i did...beleive i wanted to run away from it first but when i began...was thrilled and had so much fun and was really glad for it.....
Siddhi, thanks! It was so much fun doing these different designs with chocolates and strawberries.
VanillaStrawberrySpringfields, thanks so much for the award, I am hopping over to your blog now to see it :)
Good work.
Anu, thanks, I am so glad you liked it.
Ruchika, awesome! Would love to see pictures of your summer garden.
Babli, thanks, I am so glad you liked these!
Nostalgia, thanks! The book is a great non-fiction read, I am sure you will love it.
Jagruti, lol, I wish ;) glad you liked it though!
Nithya, thanks! So glad you liked it.
Ruchika, ha ha, I love playing airplane games with my nephew so you can tell him I would love to include him in our games too :)
Miri, thanks! One more reason for you to get more strawberries! always fun to eat.
Yasmeen, oh yeah, I am agree with you.. they are like a pair made for each other, with a bit of coffee too!
Spice, yeah, don't they just look like newly-weds.. so the name 'Mr. and Mrs. Berry' :)
Loved what you did with the berries.... Really cute.. :)
The Variable, Crazy Over Desserts - Nachiketa
Catch me on facebook @ Crazy Over Desserts
First time on your blog and I liked it a lot but the most amazing thing is even I have done the same thing few weeks ago and its in my blog right now.
Glad to follow you :)