What is it in human nature that makes you crave precisely those things that you _know_ you shouldn't crave? Its like reverse psychology or something...
So, listen to this: the other day I took a day-off from work to finish my catch up packing (makes me wonder actually how a 2-bedroom apartment can even stock so much STUFF! but the stuff kept coming out and we kept packing!). I was in the midst of packing when it first happened:
Four sad looking over-ripe bananas were staring at me from over the fridge almost scolding me for letting them go to waste. I ignored their plea, see, I am quite fussy with bananas and won't eat an overripe one unless I am starving. A banana bread came to my mind, but I quickly stashed the thought in a deep furthermost inaccessible corner of my mind.
Few more boxes packed and its time to clean the fridge itself. Now a lone egg and a used stick of butter are staring from the egg basket, okay, now that's it, too many divine signs for me to make a banana bread. Look at the irony of the situation though: last time I baked a sweet bread was atleast 6 months ago and I never craved it until today when, as luck would have it, all my bakeware was packed as was the AP flour!
Afternoon arrived, and my craving for a banana bread and coffee kept increasing. Finally I gave in to the impulse, opened a couple of packed boxes until I found the one with my loaf pan. AP flour luckily was sitting on the top of a box. Quickly I packed everything back in, lest my husband should find out about my craziness! So as a result I ended up unpacking and repacking a couple of boxes, spending 15mins taking a photo.. but hey, atleast I enjoyed a warm bread slice with a nice hot cup of coffee which I so needed after a hard day's work :D

4 ripe bananas
5Tbsp unsalted melted butter
1 egg
1tsp baking soda
1tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
1.5C all purpose flour
handful of chopped walnuts
1/2C sugar (this is just barely sweet, which is how I like it; otherwise increase sugar to 3/4C)
some quick cooking oats to sprinkle on top (optional)
some quick cooking oats to sprinkle on top (optional)
Pre-heat oven to 360F.
Place the butter in microwave for 30sec or so to melt. Smash the bananas using a potato masher. Add the melted butter to the banana mixture and mix well.
Beat and egg and add it to the banana-butter mixture. Mix well.
Add sugar, salt, vanilla extract. Using a food processor chop the walnuts into smaller pieces (if using whole walnuts) and add the pieces to the mixture.
Add baking soda to the AP flour and mix with a spoon. Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture. Stir till well combined.
Lightly grease a loaf pan with butter or cooking spray. Add the banana bread mixture to the loaf pan. Sprinkle some oats on top of the bread.
Bake for 1hour or until the toothpick inserted at the center comes out clean.
I am like you when it comes to eating overripe bananas. The peel should be flawless without any spots for me. If I see spots then it is overripe for me to enjoy. Love the bread. Seeing a lot of bread this week.
Happy Weekend!
N S, thanks! I am so glad you liked the banana bread and the pics.
Pavithra, yes, I love this bread too! Perfect for a tea time snack, isn't it.
Latha, thanks! I am so glad you liked the bread.
Deepa, thanks, do try it, its very easy even for a person with limited baking talent like me :) I am sure you would take the recipe to a whole new level!
Kalai, thanks! I love this banana nut bread too.. easy to make and super delicious :D
Yes, We complain about lack of space ,but I always wonder how much "stuff" we would have had if the place was bigger..lol..Happy packing n moving Prajukta :-)(sorry, if I mispelled !!!)
Happy packing and shifting dear!
Nupur, thanks so much for your best wishes! I must say craving a warm sweet banana bread was very close in my motivation list to not wasting food :D
Pari, i make my husband eat ripe kelyacha shikran.. for me, i cant take ripe kele even in shikran! guess i am just too fussy an eater :D
Justin, glad you like the banana dessert. Its one of my favorite ways to use up over-ripe bananas.
Namitha, I know, give me any place and I'll fill it up with stuff.. makes me wonder sometimes that i should really consider a more minimalistic lifestyle :)
Banana bread looks perfectly baked and yummylicious!! you know I never baked a banana bread...I think i should try it out, after looking at yours is tempting..
Cicily, thanks so much for your best wishes! The packing seems endless, but atleast its time limited.
Shahana, thanks for your wishes! I am so glad you liked the banana bread.
Jagruti, oh, you should definitely bake a banana bread then.. its very easy and ultimately rewarding to eat one warm off the oven :)
How could u unpack and bake - kudos!
Congrats on the new home. Hope the move will be as smooth as it can be and looking forward for your garden updates!
Cham, heh heh, turns out there are atleast a few of us who hate ripe bananas for eating.. yeah, make me feel more like i am not weird :D
Ruchika, thanks so much for your best wishes! i love nuts in breads too, gives for more texture with the smooth most bread and then nuts.
Priya, thanks! I am so glad you liked the bread :)
Indo, thanks! The good thing about this bread is that other than a good loaf pan it hardly needs any other utensils, I managed to hunt a loaf pan down through a couple of packed boxes.
SE, thanks so much for your best wishes! Glad you liked the picture too.
ha ha...and at the end of it all,i had a craving and thank God ,i had some irish bread which rushed to eat a slice of....he he he.....
And yeah ,some where here ,i'd unpack ur music system too and add get out that pen drive /ipod or where ever u save ur music and get into a jiggle too.......doesnt baking n then relishin with a cuppa cafe make us so so happy....
U sure know how to keep ur taste buds happy!!!!!
Bread looks moist and soft. I'm not big fan of banana bread though. :(
This looks quite delicious!
Happy shifting dear..