Split green mung daal with green garlic and how not to be predictably irrational

To a foodie like me spring in California means two things: lots of strawberries and a lot of green garlic! Okay, I may be the only weirdo you will see who writes about strawberries and green garlic in the same sentence but I do really love the onionish-garlicish flavor of the green garlic. I don't know about where you live but over at my place I hardly see any green garlic in supermarkets or large grocery stores. Infact I never knew green garlic is available here until I started visiting our local farmer's market where they are in season early spring.

Green garlics is just a young garlic. It looks like a slightly big spring onion and has a delicate garlic taste (more a mix of garlic and spring onion). You buy it fresh, then clean it, chop off a bit of top and some tough green ends and slice the rest of the tender whites and greens and use them wherever you would use garlic or spring onions.

Today I am sharing a simple split mung daal recipe with green garlic. The spices are kept at a bare minimum just to let the green garlic shine through. I do feel it pairs really well with split mung. The recipe, as always, is much left to your tuning. You can add more spices if you want a spicy version or add less garlic if you don't like the daal to be very garlicky. 
Although I call it a 'daal' the end dish was not watery at-all. Surprisingly enough a cup of split mung took almost 4C of water for this! I started with 2C water and added more as needed. Overall I ended up using 4C water, which was a bit more than what I expected. The daal came out wonderfully.. had a nice delicate garlicky flavor to it. I served it sprinkled with some aleppo crushed red pepper and olive oil with some hot chapatis!

1C split green mung daal
4C water
4 strands of green garlic (or less if you don't want the daal to be very garlicky)
1/2 large onion
2 small green chilis
pinch of asafetida (optional)
1Tbsp vegetable oil
1/4tsp mustard seeds
pinch of turmeric powder

extra virgin olive oil
mild red chili flakes

** 4C water was a lot more than what I expected to add for 1C split mung to get the thick consistency. I started with 2C and added more as I needed. I suggest you start with 2C water as well and add more as needed. I had to add 4C overall for 1C split mung.
** With 4 strands of green garlic, garlic was a distinct flavor in the final daal. If you want the daal to be less garlicky, reduce the amount. Also, look for young tender green garlic as they have a more tender flavor.
  1. Finely chop the onions and green garlic (most of the green part and a little bit of white part)
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a large pot.
  3. When hot, add mustard seeds and wait for them to pop.
  4. Then add onions and green garlic and saute for 5mins or so until the onions are tender.
  5. Add asafetida and turmeric powder.
  6. Then add the mung daal, water and enough salt.
  7. Bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to simmer and cook covered for half an hour or so until the daal is fork tender.
  8. Remove from heat.
  9. Serve with a dollop of EVOO and some chili flakes with fresh chapati!
I recently read a very good non-fiction 'Predictably Irrational - The hidden forces that shape our decisions' by Dan Ariely based on a friend's recommendation. Dan is a Professor of behavioral economist at MIT. In this book he takes a look at how people make decisions in an apparently random and irrational way -- which is predictable if only you know what to look for. For example, if you were to be offered three choices for Economist magazine subscription: $54 for internet only; $100 for paper only; $110 for internet and paper version, which one would you choose? Most people chose the third option (I have a paper and internal subscription of Economist too) when ideally option1 is a much better deal for someone like me who spends most of the time on internet as is. Now, if you were instead offered choices of: $54 for internet only; $110 for paper and internet; then most people would choose option1. Confused? Ariely will explain why and how the decoy choice of second option affects most people's decisions.

The book is full of such anecdotal examples of how irrationally we make our decisions. There are huge lessons to be learnt for people in marketing, sales and definitely for everyday consumers like you and I who will hopefully not fall for such irrational gimmicks. Some of the book is common sense; some eye opening -- overall an interesting read.


Preeti Kashyap said…
Wow! I love the way you have cooked up those mung beans. I shd really get this book too, seems like a good read!
indosungod said…
I have never used green garlic nor seen them. For someone who did not like green moong, the split yellow ones were ok I have found them to be tasty and their mere presence makes me want to try a dish.
Velva said…
Your love of strawberries and green garlic sin the Spring is far from weird. I totally relate :-)
There is no doubt that I would enjoy this garlicky dish. Thanks for sharing.
I love the simplicity of this dish, very healthy, never tried green garlic though, beautiful click as usual....
PranisKitchen said…
really healthy one..the green garlic thats really good addition ..sure it will be very delicious because of the garlic flavor..
so simple and nice pics
PJ said…
Preeti, thanks! So glad you liked it. The book was an entertaining read. I am sure you'll like it.

Indo, aha, you will like this dish then. split mung is the main flavor along-with green garlic.

Velva, good :) I am so glad you liked it.

Treat and Trick, thanks! I am so glad you liked the dish.

PranisKitchen, thanks! I love cooking with green garlic. very nice mild garlicky flavor.
Sushma Mallya said…
I Too never heard of green garlic until i read your post, looks very healthy & love the flavour of garlic ...
the description of this book made me interested, will check if its available in my library.
the Daal looks fantastic. sometimes I make this kind of thick dal for my home alone lunch. never had green garlic but Sangeeta of healthfood deshivideshi has shown how to grow them in a pot. see how we get ti know about so many things in our blogosphere.
sangeeta said…
I read green garlic and my antennae got on........i have grown them on my windowsill this winter , was posting about it's progress on my blog but things got disturbed after that...........ooh!!

Just love anything with green garlic n have posted so many recipes when it was available here in the winter season..this recipe has got all my fave ingredients n i would love it.
PJ said…
Sushma, thanks! Green garlics are common in some parts of India and not so in others. Where I grew up we used to get green garlic pretty much every few months if some guests were coming over etc.

Sayantani, book is a very interesting read, do read it if available. Yes, I have seen some of Sangeeta's post on growing green garlic.. pretty amazing, never tried it myself though.

Sangeeta, oh I remember your post about growing green garlic. I should really try that sometimes because I love cooking with them so much!
Hy PJ,

Delicious n yummy recipe...
oh i recently saw green garlic at my local grocery store and i was wondering what it would be like to use in a dish...now i know and i think il go pick up some.
the dal looks gorgeous...and im sure it tasted divine
Hari Chandana P said…
yummy and healthy recipe.. :)
I have never known there is something called green garlci exists in the world only ..Wow it looks more like spring onion .. Recipe looks yumm

Loved reading the review too ..
Joanne said…
We get green garlic over here but usually a bit later in the year...we call them garlic scapes!

This mung daal looks delicious! Definitely good with the garlicky flavors!
Priya Suresh said…
Wat a nutritious dish, looks super delicious..
kamalabhoopathy said…
Green garlic gives nice aroma to the dish i use to add them in chutneys and salads your curry must have tasted divine.
Parita said…
This is very healthy and delicious dish!
tinyskillet said…
Your dish looks lovely! I really want to try it. I'm not sure that I could find green garlic. I'll have to check it out.

That reminds me of my husbands family who live "out in the country" as we call it. Some live on farms, but the all have gardens (very large gardens). The first things that came up was the new potatoes, and peas. His uncle would make a dish of these creamed. They live in Michigan. So I find it interesting what other places think of when spring fruits and veggie come up.
I love this foodie who says strawberries and green garlic ,in the same breath.
Well we dont find this super green garlic here too, but when i did see some, it was muc smaller, or it was actuall garlic sprouted maybe.
I love the flavour that will emerge to this deliciousness or any other veggie, with the addition of green garlic, i think i would add more, coz i sure do loveeeeeeeeee Green GArlic!!
And u sure have a wonderful post here!!1
Umm Mymoonah said…
Never heard of this green garlic before,nice recipe.
Pari Vasisht said…
Hey, my Mom used to grow green garlic in her kitchen garden and she used to add the greens in making zhunka.
Loved the simplicity of the daal. I can imagine the flavour.Will try to see if I can get the book.
PJ said…
Jay, thanks!

An Open Book, you can use it in any dish where you would use garlic or spring onions.

Hari, thanks!

Pavithra, thanks! It is just a young garlic pod that is cultivated before it matures into regular garlic.

Joanne, aha, i didnt know they were called garlic scapes also. thanks for the info!

Priya, thanks!
PJ said…
Kamala, adding to chutneys and salads sounds delicious. i need to taste how they would be fresh.. i have always cooked them down before.

Lyndsey, living "out in the country" sounds wonderful with a large garden i bet you grow all of your veggies in-house :)

Mia, thanks! I am so glad you liked the dish.

Umm, thanks!

Pari, adding it to zunka sounds so delicious! i would have to try it soon now. I can tell it would taste great in zunka.
Nupur said…
I remember green garlic being available for just a few weeks every year in Bombay, and my aunt and I loved loved loved making simple scrambled eggs with it.

You dal looks wonderful!

The book sounds so interesting, on my list is a similar one, called The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar.
Anonymous said…
enlightment of the day: that there is something called green garlic that exists and that can be used in cooking.
tasteofbeirut said…
I love these mung beans! What a glorious dish!
Sayali said…
i simply lve eating green moong.. and finding this combo here ...wow..will definately try
Hamaree Rasoi said…
I don't think we get green garlic here in Bangalore. But I like garlic flavor very much .And this dal looks delicious. Loved reading your take on the book :-)

Hamaree Rasoi
Kanchan said…
Always seen this green garlic but never tried using it ! Nice recipe ... will give it a try some time soon :)
Padhu Sankar said…
Simple and healthy dish with moong.
panchpakwan said…
Healthy and delicious dish.
Green garlic is usually only available in small quantities for a couple weeks in the spring, but now Christopher Ranch offers a 3 oz retail pack from April-October so you can enjoy it in fantastic dishes like this throughout the year! Ask about it at your local market.
Sarah Naveen said…
My fav with rice porridge..Looks so yummy!!!
shriya said…
Again a beautiful click. Love the recipe. Split green moong dal is my fav one. It's really a healthy dish.
SathyaSridhar said…
Wooow nice porridge dear very healthy n protein rich recipe, i like garlic flavour in my food but green garlic is new to me.
San said…
Healthy recipe which must be definitely aromatic n the mung beans is not my cup of tea but your version makes me to try PJ.I love strawberries too.
Cham said…
I noticed in farmers market the green garlic but i saw slightly purple shade! Strawb well I have few popping in my little garden!
That is pretty healthy and garlicky too!
Namitha said…
Never tried green garlic...though I have seen them :-) interesting recipe for mung bean !
Sunitha said…
Another of your interesting posts! Loved the simplicity of the recipe and how you do your own twists and turns with the flavoring. I am intrigued to read this book you sold it well. :)
Sonia said…
Mung daal is look so simple to make yet delicious.

Last year I successfully grew green garlic at home. If you want grow at your home, just throw some unpeeled garlic cloves in potting mix and keep it under the sun; adding a very little water everyday. You'll be surprised with end result! :)
Whoops! I'm gonna to do it too. :) It'll be nice to have green garlic in winter here. :)
Hayley said…
I'm lover of green garlic..also use in making baigan ka bhartha and mum used to make it garlic curry in desi gheein winter..we get green garlic here all year round, I know making you jelous..lol..rite, frozen..moong daal looks tasty and healthy!!
Mints! said…
I use green garlic in chutneys, in rice and daals too. Last year I had planted it in backyard. I am using it right now :)

I will have to look at the book in library. Sounds interesting.
never tried green garlic before.. but after reading your post we are definitely going to try it.. very healthy recipe and well presented too
shahana said…
never tried green garlic before.Sounds really healthy!Thanks for sharing this
Subhie Arun said…
lov the simplicity of the dish..and green garlic...and the book sounds v interesting...
Lori said…
Recently I watched a show on PBS about something similar. Very interesting. Hey all those big companies have figured out how to get the money from our pockets to their pockets- especially unsuspecting consumers.

Meanwhile, I really need to get mroe into mung beans. They always look so good.