Roasted butternut squash soup

Fall has finally arrived! Leaves are turning red, evenings are just a tiny bit chilly, Starbucks is serving its pumpkin latte and what all that means for me is one things.. time to make lots and lots of soups again!

I bought a butternut squash on sale at Trade Joe's. I was thinking of making the curried butternut squash soup I had made earlier but feeling a bit adventurous with extra extra pumpkin caffeine, this time I decided to try a long lost Cooking Light recipe that I vaguely remembered reading a few years back at a dentist's office (have you noticed how you never forget a recipe that you read at dentists's office, guess its the pain of whats coming ahead or something...)

The recipe is very simple. Original one called for chopping the squash into cubes and then cooking with stock and then slightly spicing it up with nutmeg. When it comes to butternut squash I always prefer roasting rather than chopping (the squash is way too tough to cut using any of the knives I have in my repertoire! Once its roasted though then its really easy to scoop up the cooked squash out.

This turned out to be a simple and yet extremely flavorful soup. Its best served on a cold night as an appetizer with some garlic bread (regular whole wheat or sourdough bread toasted with a bit of olive oil and then rubbed with some fresh garlic for a light garlicky flavor)

Recipe: Roasted butternut squash soup
Serves 4
1 butternut squash
6C water
1 large onion
1/2in piece of ginger
1/4tsp red chili powder (or less depending on the heat)
1/8tsp nutmeg
3 cardamom pods
s & p

  1. Pre-heat oven to 375F
  2. Cut the butternut squash in half lengthwise (be very careful during cutting; butternut squash can be tough so be very careful that the knife doesn't slip during cutting)
  3. Remove the seeds. Rub olive oil, salt & pepper on the squash halves and roast for 45mins.
  4. Remove from the oven after 45mins and let cool.
  5. Heat 1Tbsp olive oil in a large soup pot.
  6. Add chopped onion and minced ginger and saute for a few minutes until onions start to tender.
  7. Peel the butternut squash and roughly chop into small chunks.
  8. Add the squash chunks and 6C water to the soup pot and bring the mixture to a boil. When it starts to boil reduce heat to simmer and simmer for 10-15mins uncovered.
  9. Turn the heat off. When the soup cools down slightly, run it through a blender in two batches.
  10. Add the blended soup back to the pot. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, chili powder, cardamom and mix.
  11. Taste and adjust the seasonings per taste.
  12. Serve with a crusty whole grain bread toasted and rubbed with garlic.


Suji said…
wow...lovely colorful soup PJ..

I have the same bowl :-P
Anonymous said…
Hey PJ,
Soup looks awesome, makes me want to have some right away!
Treat and Trick said…
Looks great, love your bowl too..
pimpkin latte?what is that? sounds unusual. the soup looks delicious though. I guess now inspired by all you bloggers I will also make some pumpkin soup. between can we substitute regualr Indian yellow pumpkin for butternut squash in this dish? haapy sunday!
Sushma Mallya said…
I loved the dish in which you have served beautiful and the soup looks lovely and very delicious...quiet different from what i usually have but worth trying this one...
yup its finally here too...soup weather..ive never experimented with butternut squash...ur recipe is making me wanna give it a shot. love the serving bowl
Nupur said…
What a gorgeous picture- it is inviting me to dive headlong into Fall! And the flaming red soup tureen adds to the beauty.
I'm planning to hack open a butternut squash today too, and to make chili with it.
sangeeta said…
Gorgeous soup... i love pumpkin in any form and am thinking of pumpkin soup and pumpkin bread this season...
indosungod said…
What an amazing color PJ and the picture is just beautiful. Though I admire Fall colors, the year starts and ends with summer :)
Priya Suresh said…
Very catchy and droolworthy bowl of comforting soup, prefect for cold days..
Sanjeeta kk said…
Lovely pot! great click and a comforting soup.
Ananda said…
ohh what a delicious and comfortable soup, love ur serving bowl...first time here, you have a great space :)
PJ said…
Kairali sisters, thanks! yes, i fell in love with that bowl the moment i saw that flaming red on the market shelf :)

Belesaaru, thanks! it was delicious and a very comforting one for winter evenings.

Treat and trick, thanks, yeah, my favorite bowl too :)

Sayantani, its pumpkin juice and spice flavored latte, delicious.

Sushma, thanks! the bowl seems to be getting famous quickly ;)

An open book, oh, you should definitely try butternut squash soups! they are so yummy and delicious. you will surely love it.
PJ said…
Nupur, chili with butternut squash sounds so delicious! i cant wait to see your recipe of it. and yes, good luck hacking into the squash.. why is it so difficult to cut through!

Sangeeta, thanks! me too.. thats one reason i wait for fall season :)

Indo, thanks! yeah, i guess with a rough winter i can see that happening :)

Priya, thanks! I am so glad you liked it.

Sanjeeta, thanks, the pot sure is getting famous :)

Ananda, thanks and welcome to my blog! I am so glad you liked this place and i hope to see you here again soon :)
I love butternut squash soup .. really feel like having some right away and the i am having the exact soup pot with me too. Now I must have some soup after seeing this...
Panchpakwan said…
Looks so creamy, colorful soup..nice presentation too
Miri said…
That is such a wonderful looking soup - and the bowl perfectly complements!
Cham said…
Fall is not yet here, another heat wave to enjoy! Of course we didn't had any great summer days this year! The bowl makes me to stir this soup soon!
Latha said…
Lovely soup in a lovely bowl.
Rachana said…
I am a big fan of Soups and this looks so healthy and yumm. Loved that bowl :-)
San said…
Simply delicious soup PJ ,the color of the bowl is so catchy for almost everyone :)

Fall color definitely has its effects on you :D n it has left on us too .Pass me the bowl with the soup pls lol