I was raised a vegetarian. My father occasionally eats poultry and seafood but my mother is a strict vegetarian. Growing up meat dishes were never a part of our household meals. However when I left for college to a state halfway across India, my diet suddenly suffered due to the hostel (dorms, as they are called here) food. In our hostel vegetarian meal was included in the standard meal-plan while you had to pay a hefty extra amount to get non-vegetarian food served three times a week. Needless to say, extra costly non-vegetarian food was much nutritious and wholesome than the standard meal-plan included veg food (note that vegetarian food can be in-general completely nutritious; but the way it used to be prepared at our hostel made it especially unappetizing and thereby non-nourishing as we would mostly skip the meal and snack on chips to satisfy our hunger). Due to the heavy school-work and the unbalanced dorm diet, over the years I lost some weight and my health started to suffer. I still remember the day when the college doctor finally wrote me an Rx prescription which said 'eat non-veg food' :-) I suppose he was a bit too well aware of the state of default meal plan in school!
Anyway, with some encouragement from my dad I did follow the doctor's advise and signed up for the extra meal-plan and thats how I started eating non-veg :) Funny story but its true! Over the years I have come to love my chicken biryanis, tikka masalas and prawn currys. Now-a-days I mostly eat healthy and wholesome vegetarian food but once in a while do prepare a chicken or a seafood dish. One thing I love to date the most though is the fish curry! I don't really have a fish curry recipe. I either pan-fry the fish fillets and add them to the curry sauce or simmer the fish cubes in the sauce. Sometimes I add frozen coconut while at other times its just a simple tomato based sauce.

Recipe: Serves 4
Source: adapted from A Homemaker's Dairy
2 medium size salmon fillets
2 small green chilis
1 large onion
4 cloves of garlic
1in piece of ginger
2 ripe tomatoes
2 small boiling potatoes
1.5Tbsp yogurt
2C water
1 lemon
1Tbsp canola/vegetable oil
1/2tsp nigella seeds
1/2tsp mustard seeds
1/4tsp garam masala
1/4tsp chaat masala (optional)
1/2tsp turmeric powder
1/2tsp cumin powder
1tsp coriander powder
1tsp mild chili powder
1/2Tbsp paprika (for color)
- Remove the skin from the salmon fillets and cut them into large cubes (about 10 cubes). Sprinkle juice of half lemon, 1/4tsp turmeric powder and salt. Set aside to marinade.
- Meanwhile, coarsely chop onion, ginger and garlic and puree them in a food processor to make an onion paste. Chop the chilis and tomatoes finely. Slice the potatoes into thin round slices.
- Heat oil in a large bottomed pan. When hot, temper with nigella seeds and mustard seeds.
- Wait for the mustard seeds to pop and then add chilis and onion-ginger-garlic paste. Saute for a few minutes until the raw onion smell disappears.
- Add the potatoes and cook for a few more minutes.
- Next add all the dried spices and toast for a minute or two until aromatic.
- Add the tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes start to fall apart (about 5mins)
- Add 2C water little by little and let the mixture come to a boil.
- Reduce heat to simmer and add beaten yogurt and mix well.
- Add the fish pieces, enough salt and cook covered for 10-15mins until the fish is cooked through (salmon will turn pale white and will flake easily when poked with a fork).
- Remove from heat and serve with freshly squeezed lemon juice and hot rice.
Recipe notes:
This recipe works best with a thick flesh fish - salmon, cod, halibut would all work well. Boneless, skinless fish would be ideal. When adding yogurt make sure that the heat is barely to simmer so the yogurt does not curdle.
That is an wonderful write up on turning into non-veg. and going all the way up to fish and liking it is a great achievement. I often used to get into argument over non veg vs veg..The veg food is equaly healthy barring few amino acid we never get from Veg. You must have noticed the milk intake has gone down remarkably for growing kids...previously kids could take various milk product like dahi, milk, Paneer, Khoya based product apart from plenty of Dal. So it is important that enough protien is eaten ( of course with fat and carbo) at least till 18 when the growth phase is over. Friends from down south has a built in high protein intake system through Udad Dal and Dahi. Even if I am a Bong, I saw to it my children had lot of dosha , Idli, Dahi BaDa apart from the usual non veg..
I always told my Vege friends , either to feed 1 to 2 lit of milk product or turn them non vege...and let them become vege by choice after 18 , dont harm their health etc etc
The dish is superb and your detailing too ..Sayantani has the best Bong recipes
Have a nice week ahead
Salmon Looks very tasty and colorful.Loved the garnishing with coriander leaf as well.
Hamaree Rasoi
Ushnish-da, yes i agree, you have to be specially concious that you intake a good amount of protein on vegetarian diet. I make sure to have a lot of lentils and yogurt in our diet for the same reason. Milk is an excellent source too, ofcourse.
Indo, Bengali fish curry recipes are the best! I am happy with this one so I am open now to trying more :)
Deepa, thanks! I am so glad you liked the dish and the decoration.
Kairali sisters
I was raised a strict vegetarian by my mom too.I converted to non-veg in my late teens due to health reasons as well.:). Love fish curry. Besides the Goans and Bengalis, Keralites are also well-versed in the art of cooking fish.
Lassie, oohh.. yes, how could i forget keralite fish currys! they are very tasty too.. now that you mention it, i must go and find some kerala fish curry recipe next, got any? :)
That fish curry looks amazing!
I then discovered tuna steaks and cod and halibut and all that and havent tried salmon in ages..mayb now i shud try it again..and see if it can change my mind :)
Miri, that sounds like a fantastic reason! Yes, meat curries do taste very different than veggie curries so i know what you mean.
Shama, thanks! I am so glad you liked the fish curry.
Luigi, i hope you try it. it tasted amazing with some fresh lemon and rice.
Priya, salmon is one fish i can get easily here so i try to squeeze it in whenevere i can :)
An open book, i agree, it does have a distinct taste but i have come to love that taste now :) besides its the only fish available easily and affordable in local stores many times.
Preeti, thanks! its just the unappetizing preparations that are made in hostels that make us skip meals and snack on :)
Lyndsey, yes, shrimp is something i am not a major fan of either.. though i like pretty much all other seafood.
Jay, thanks! I am so glad you liked it
between loved Ushnishda's comment. am a mother of an one year old and while raising him those are very good points to remember.
Thanks to both of you.
Have a happy day!!!